BUILT 関連ツイート
RT @RusEmbassyJ: Medical centers of the Ministry of Defense of Russia in numbers: 16 military medicine facilities being built in 15 regions…
@KachyouH 2020/04/24 09:33
magnanimous (adjective)
magnus(large)+ animus(mind)
magniloquent is also built on the root magnus.
The noun is magnanimity.@yQUEX6qw1OrwQYI 2020/04/24 10:18
Our house is in the process of being built.
★in the process of ~/ ~の過程(途中)で@shagaku1969 2020/04/24 12:04
RT @RusEmbassyJ: Medical centers of the Ministry of Defense of Russia in numbers: 16 military medicine facilities being built in 15 regions…
@ina_miya 2020/04/24 09:15
父 ルドルフとヴァレリオ 2人の蔵書をおさめる。
(『Dado-Built and Inhabited by Rudolf Olgiati and Valerio Ol… https://t.co/a188bvTpzN@kosho_yamasemi 2020/04/24 15:14
乾式2重床の木造最高レベル遮音システム、軽量で施工も容易(BUILT) https://t.co/pZFMp7FxK9
@BAUES_DISASTER 2020/04/24 10:21